Lansing Custom Design Studio In Michigan | Wausau Homes

Lansing Custom Design Studio

Contact Information


Wausau Homes Lansing
15300 Old U.S. 27
Lansing, Michigan 48906
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Linda Hatcher
(517) 669-1112 (517) 243-0957


Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Evenings and weekends by appointment

About Our Design Studio

The Wausau Homes Lansing Design Studio offers the latest in new home selections and trends so that you can begin building a home created just for your needs. Your custom home options are endless, and with state-of-the-art 3D home rendering you’ll get to preview your new home before any construction begins. Begin designing your new home today! 

In recognizing the changing needs of home owners, we strive for higher standards of service and solid solutions. Hatcher Construction has been building and remodeling homes since the mid 70's. Our third generation craftsman has been with the company since 2000. In 2012 we incorporated, adding Designed Living, our interior design division.


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Would you like help finding land to build on? *
What's your budget (excluding cost of land)? *
How do you plan to fund the purchase of your custom home? *
When do you want to sleep in your new home for the first time? *
Do you have a floor plan in mind? *
Tell us how can we help
Please provide a brief message describing the reason for contacting us today